Differences Between Traditional Braces And Invisalign London


More adults than ever before have straightened their teeth thanks to the introduction of a range of different types of braces in the last few decades. One in five orthodontic patients is now an adult. Many of these adults avoided orthodontic treatment when they were younger because they were either reluctant to visit the dentist or worried by the idea of having to wear traditional braces. For these patients, teeth straightening has now become easier than ever before. You can effectively straighten your teeth without traditional braces. Alternative treatments are just as effective, but they work in different ways to address dental misalignment.

Invisalign London

Invisalign London is an excellent alternative for patients who do not want to draw further attention to their mouth with traditional braces. Traditional braces are still recommended for young teenagers and those with complex orthodontic needs, whereas those with mild, moderate aesthetic dental issues are good candidates for Invisalign.

Invisalign is a clear aligner system, meaning it works using clear thermoplastic, medical grade aligners that are designed using digital dental technology, manufactured using 3D printed impressions of the patient’s mouth and laser cut for comfort, accuracy and precision. The aligners can fit over your teeth tightly to apply pressure to and push them in a certain direction to achieve an aligned smile.

Differences between Invisalign and braces

Traditional braces, on the other hand, work using metal brackets and wires. The brackets are attached to each tooth and controlled using the metal wire, which is held in place by small elastic ligatures or clips that are built into the brackets. Traditional braces apply continuous pressure to the teeth, whereas Invisalign aligners only work when they are in the mouth. Aligners can be taken out before meal times and for cleaning your teeth, and if you do not remember to put them back in, then you risk slowing down the treatment process. It is essential that you keep the aligners in your mouth for approximately 22 hours a day for successful results.

With traditional braces, you can correct complex orthodontic issues, which is also possible with Invisalign; however, in some cases, you may need a combined treatment plan for optimal results. Traditional braces take approximately 18 to 36 months to correct dental alignment issues, whereas, with Invisalign, you should be able to address the issues within about 12 to 18 months, with some patients reporting noticeable results in 3 to 6 months. This means Invisalign can be quicker than traditional braces, depending on the orthodontic issue being treated. Aligners are reportedly more comfortable to wear, and there is less need for visiting the dentist since most of the process can be done at home.

Invisalign is more expensive as it is considered a cosmetic treatment, but you can speak to your dentist and find out about payment plans for your convenience.

Speak to your dentist today and learn more about the differences between Invisalign and traditional braces and which would be the most suitable treatment option for you.